The muscle we most need to develop

Author, Stella Riunga Rop. 

What you need to know:

  • The muscle many of us most need to develop this year is not in our abdomens or legs. The muscle is in the jaw. Try this simple exercise

Happy New Year everyone!

I see you groaning as you think “Not another ‘get fit’ article!” Relax, dear reader, this is not that kind of article. Besides, staying un-dead in our world today is like a daily triathlon already, isn’t it?

The muscle many of us most need to develop this year is not in our abdomens, or legs. The muscle is in the jaw. Try this simple exercise: Open your mouth, let your tongue touch the roof of your mouth, push your lips out into an ‘o’ shape and sound it out. Congratulations! You just formed the word ‘No’! Yes, some of us need to add that word to our vocabulary to improve the quality of our lives.

The reason many of us are stuck doing things we don’t like or need or that are even detrimental to us is that we are afraid to say ‘No’. The key is to stop worrying about what people will think or say. Even if you display the kindness of God, there is someone out there who will not like you or your decisions, so stop worrying about it and sleep well!

If someone asks you to lend them money and you can’t, please, say ‘No’. That is all. No explanation or fake promises needed. Good. Case closed. Next!

If someone wants you to accompany them to an event that you know will be exhausting and time-wasting, just say ‘No’. This includes those expensive weddings where you come out of the whole process battered and broke. Unless, of course, you like being battered and broke.

The next time that colleague/neighbour/relative of yours who likes to borrow everything and return nothing comes to you to ‘borrow’ something, fix them with a basilisk stare and say ‘No’. Once you stop pretending to be the UN and World Bank combined, they will be cured of their perennial borrowing.

Did you know that even on social media you don’t have to accept every friend or connection request? Imagine that!

This year, reduce your problems and lower your blood pressure by using the magic word ‘No’. Try it and see!