Why believers ought to network, grow their faith

L-R: Pastor James Odinga from Chrisco Church, Amagoro, Pastor Julius Murunga, founder Word Encounter Goshen Network (host), Pastor Stanley Trust Ssenkubuge and Apostle Basil Oonyu of Charis Life Fellowship International, Soroti at Gerenge Focus Campsite. PHOTO/PROMISE TWINAMUKYE 

What you need to know:

  • Beyond church. Christians in the corporate world encouraged to broaden their thinking and networks.

Early this month congregants learnt how to practice their faith out of the church set up. The prayer retreat under the theme Your Light Has Come, Your Glory is Risen was organised by Pastor Julius Murunga, the founder of Word Encounter Goshen Network (WEGN) at Gerenge Focus Campsite on Entebbe Road.  The retreat which occurred from May 3 to May 4 emphasised the need for believers to excel beyond the church building. 

One of the speakers Samuel Mulenzi from Uganda Revenue Authority shares pointers to success which some believers tend to ignore. 

“When you pursue excellence, your work is coveted and you are almost indispensable,” Mulenzi noted adding that time management coupled with other values will take you places. 

He also emphasised integrity, saying: “Do what you are supposed to do and the results will be seamless. Let your name shout integrity wherever you go.” 

Integrity is a virtue that will speed up the rate of trust, and with people trusting what one does, success follows.

Mountains of  influence
The Seven Mountains of Influence, according to Wealth builders are the primary spheres of culture that make up a nation.  At the retreat, Pastor James Odinga, an author and pastor at Chrisco Church Amagoro, Kenya, one of the guest speakers said, the congregation ought to pray for these realms of influence and know where they belong.

business is the highest mountain of the seven and, one that needs to be controlled. The mountain of wealth, of merchants, traders, economists, and money launders.
This mountain is conquered through living with the purpose of serving Christ.

Also known as the mountain of the Amorites, is key to the development of a nation.  “The grace that we need to release the nation as far as this mountain is concerned is the teaching grace. There is need to install a particular grace (teaching) in schools, workplaces, on the streets and everywhere we go,” Pastor Odinga said.

Religion is defined by worship of God, according to Pr Odinga.

Pr Odinga advised Christians to take up the spirit of singing, among other ways of worship to glorify God and to also bring upon the apostolic graces.

“When there is healthy praise and worship, there will also be healthy and apostolic voices released,” he explained.

The giant of this mountain is Lucifer itself who seeks to destroy the Christians and next generation through abortion, wars and plagues, among others. The pastor urged the congregants to pray for the restoration of families, especially those harmed by extramarital affairs, alcoholism and drug addiction among other things, under this mountain.

Arts and entertainment
On this mountain, believers need to pray for artists and entertainers to recognise the divine connections and relationships God has placed in their lives.

This will help them in renouncing the cultural celebrations of ungodly values displayed in entertainment according to Wealthbuilders. The same way, believers’ eyes will need to be opened to the true spirit of the entertainment they consume.

Odinga said we must pray for truth to be proclaimed in the media without exaggerating the facts and pray that the media holds everyone accountable with the truth, be it politicians or other influential people.

There was a prayer and deliverance session which saw people renew their faith and understand their purpose.

While the preaching emphasised the mountains, Apostle Basil Oonyu, leader of Charis Life Fellowship International, said such gatherings are important for believers because in these critical times, one ought to network and get better at putting faith in action.

“Imagine you go to church on Sunday, fellowship in prayer, but cannot find people to associate with when it comes to doing work out there. You barely find a contact to reach out to because you have limited your thinking to prayers in a four-walled building,” Oonyu said. He implored Christians to maximise their contact lists to partner or help one another in different areas of service.

Bridging the gap
Pastor Stanley Trust Ssenkubuge,  technical director Kira Stat Genral Contractors Ltd, Bugolobi commended Pastor Murunga for discovering his purpose and accepting God’s call. He said the retreat was an opportunity to bridge the gap between younger and older generation. 

“Many people will discover their potential and purpose through this platform,” he said.
He urged people to also subscribe to such spaces that give a sense of direction and expand their network.

Choose success 

Pastor Julius Murunga, founder of Word Encounter Goshen Network, advised believers to put time and devotion in whatever they do to attain success while on the righteous path.

“People want to associate with the successful. It is our time to arise and shine in God’s glory as we network with the right people,” he said.