Anti-Atwine protests spark police manhunt

A casket pinned with posters calling for the resignation of Ministry of Health PS Diana Atwine (inset) over alleged poor handling of Covid-19 was dropped in the middle of the road to Mulago Women's Specialized Hospital in Kampala on July 26, 2021. PHOTO/ABUBAKER LUBOWA

What you need to know:

  • The Health ministry’s Permanent Secretary is accused of mishandling money meant for the Covid response.

Police are investigating the dumping of a coffin of a baby yesterday at Mulago Hospital with placards demanding immediate annulment of the reappointment of Dr Diana Atwine.

Dr Atwine was reappointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, in a recent reshuffle of accounting officers by President Museveni.

The call for the cancellation of her appointment by protestors, who are yet to be identified, comes at a time when a section of the public believes she masterminded the loss of money meant for the Covid-19 response.

The abandoned coffin, which was later removed by Police, had placards with words attacking Dr Atwine, such as: “Covid-19 is not a profit venture…Atwiine’s re-appointment cancelled… Atwine should resign now …..Tukooye  (we are tired).”

Speaking at a media briefing yesterday, Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire said the coffin was empty.

“We think they (protestors) should find other ways of making issues heard and we have opened a general inquiry file. These suspects are known and we are going to have them arrested anytime now to understand their motives,” he said.

The Ministry of Health while reacting to the increasing attacks against Dr Atwine and other Health officials, said they will not be derailed.

“Despite availability of facts and accountability, we have also noted that these groups are not interested in the available facts through known accountability channels. We appeal to security and enforcement agencies to interest themselves and investigate the groups behind this smear campaign targeting individuals within the ministry,” the statement by Mr Emmanuel Ainebyoona, the ministry’s spokesperson reads in part.

It further read: “The Ministry of Health works as a team and that is why there are various decision-making committees such as the Senior Management Committee, Top Management, Strategic Committee, Scientific Advisory Committee, the Vaccine Advisory Committee and National Taskforce. The Ministry of Health will not be derailed or distracted but rather remains committed to providing care and saving lives during this second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.”