Gulu District lockdown to be lifted on Monday

Chua West MP Okin Ojara

Kampala- Government will on Monday lift the lockdown imposed on Gulu District which has been the only non border district that had remained under tight Covid-19 restrictions ever since President Museveni started relaxing the measures.

Members of the Acholi Parliamentary Group told journalists at Parliament on Friday that a meeting with Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda on Thursday resolved that the lockdown was “uncalled for” and needed to be lifted.

The Member of Parliament for Chua West, Mr Okin Ojara, said they raised a concern with the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health after the residents of Gulu remained locked down when some of the border districts that are at the risk of importing Covid-19 were reopened.

“In the meeting we agreed that on Monday June 29, the government will reopen Gulu and all vehicles both for private and public will be able to pass freely. We also agreed that the heavy military deployment in Gulu was uncalled for” Mr Ojara said.

Mr Ojara was accompanied in the press conference by Leader of Opposition in Parliament Betty Aol Ocan, Gulu Municipality MP Leandro Komakech, Amuru District Woman MP Lucy Akello, Nwoya District Woman MP Lilly Akello, and Kilak South MP Gilbert Oulanya.

He also said to ensure safety of the people of Gulu as the area is opened, government will start the distribution of face masks next week .

The meeting also agreed that the Ministry of Health carries out a thorough assessment of the isolation centre and Gulu Regional Referral Hospital in general to ensure there is proper attention.

Gulu Regional Referral Hospital is among those that have been treating Covid-19 positive cases mostly confirmed from Elegu border post and other parts of northern Uganda.

The MPs said, much as the hospital has had Covid-19 cases under isolation and treatment, Gulu as a district has not had community infections hence no need to remain under lockdown.

Ms Ocan, who is also the district Woman MP, said: “Gulu is in high gear to receive the city, the pride of Acholi. It is totally bad if we welcome the city while in a total lockdown.

The MPs asked the government to ensure the region, which is recovering from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) insurgence, is catered for with food supplies because the effects of Covid-19 on the peoples’ incomes may cause more traumas.
Government only distributed food to the vulnerable poor in Kampala, Wakiso and some parts of Mukono District.