Home of Kabuleta’s deputy ransacked

Newly formed Party, National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) president, Joseph Kabuleta (R) and the party’s vice president, Evelyn Laker (L), gesture with maize cobs as they launched the party at their headquarters in Bugolobi, Kampala on October 3, 2022. PHOTO/ ISAAC KASAMANI

What you need to know:

  • Speaking to Monitor yesterday,  Ms Laker said this was not the first time her home was invaded and that this time, someone almost died.

Unknown thugs at the weekend invaded and ransacked the home of the vice president of the National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) political party. 

Ms Evelyn Laker said her home in Gulu was vandalised and most of her property was looted. 
She has regarded the attack as politically motivated.

Speaking to Monitor yesterday,  Ms Laker said this was not the first time her home was invaded and that this time, someone almost died.

“This is not the first time it’s happening, it’s actually the third time. The first was a break-in, they opened the garage and vandalised the car and also stole everything that was in the car.”
She said her home was vandalised for the second time last November and  33 chickens were stolen.  At the time,  NEED president Joseph Kabuleta was in Luzira prison.  

Ms Laker added: “The third time (at the weekend)  I was not home as I was away at a relative’s function. ...They cut all the mattresses in all our bedrooms but the worst of all is that the girl whom they found at home was beaten to a pulp.”

She is following up on the case with the police in Gulu.

While addressing a press conference at the party head offices in Rubaga yesterday,  Mr Kabuleta condemned the attack. “They cut mattresses...and also beat her maid who is still in critical condition at the moment.”

He added: “This not a robbery, this was politically motivated because we have been active in Acholi region and she has been at the forefront of it.”