Machete-wielding assailant filmed attacking businessman in Nateete remanded 

Ashiraf Kiiza, a machine oerator at Beshir Milling Investment being handcuffed in the dock at Mwanga II Magistrate’s Court on May 21, 2024. Photo/ Juliet Kigongo

What you need to know:

  • Kiiza, armed with a machete and a hammer attempted to rob one Sam Turyamuhaki of Shs2 million.
  • Kiiza was traced and arrested from Kyotera District days after the May 13 evening attack caught on CCTV camera

A 27-year-old man who was filmed armed with a machete and a hammer attacking a customer at a milling firm in Nateete, Rubaga Division in an attempt to rob him has been remanded to Luzira Prison.

Ashiraf Kiiza, a machine operator at Beshir Milling Investment at Nateete in Rubaga Division in Kampala was on Tuesday arraigned before Mwanga II Magistrate’s Court and charged with aggravated robbery and attempted murder.
Kiiza was traced and arrested from Kyotera District days after the May 13 evening attack caught on CCTV camera. 

The presiding Senior Principal Grade One Magistrate, Adam Byaruhanga did not allow Kiiza to plead to the charges, saying his court does not have the jurisdiction to handle capital offences.
“…the charges against you are capital in nature and only triable in the High Court. You are meanwhile remanded to prison until June 27 this year,” said Mr Byaruhanga.

Prosecution case
It is alleged that on May 13, 2024, in Nateete, Mirembe Zone, Rubaga Division in Kampala, Kiiza, armed with a machete and a hammer attempted to rob one Sam Turyamuhaki of Shs2 million.
The state alleges that on the same day, Kiiza attempted to cause the death of Turyamuhaki during the foiled robbery.
State Attorney Caroline Mpumwire told the court that investigations into the case are almost complete. She asked the court for a short adjournment to enable the state to prepare documents for committal documents.

Court documents show that on the fateful day, Mr Turyamuhaki had gone to the milling company to pick money to pay the farmers but while in the office with Bashir Ssekiwunga, the company director, and the cashier, Oliver Natasha where he was given money amounting to Shs8 million but who was counting the money, Kiiza entered the office with a white sack out of which he picked a machete and a hammer.
It is alleged that Kiiza instructed Turyamuhaki to drop down the money he was counting.

“The victim (Turyamuhaki) then grabbed Kiiza as he attempted to pick money using one of his feet and they started struggling. That is when Kiiza started cutting the victim using the machete and hit him with a hammer on the head. After failing to take the money, Kiiza ran away with the machete leaving behind the hammer,” reads the court file.
Mr Turyamuhaki was later rushed to the hospital for treatment after which the case was reported to Nateete Police. 
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