Minister orders fresh reallocation of stalls in two Masaka main markets

Some of the vendors operating from outside the Nyendo market. PHOTO/MALIK FAHAD JJINGO

What you need to know:

  • The minister also ordered the closure of open markets in the city, saying there is enough space in the two main markets in the area.
  • Masaka City has two gazetted markets –one is the Shs18billion Masaka Central Market which is currently under construction and another is  Nyendo Market which the government constructed in 2015 at a tune of Shs 12.7billion .

The Minister of Local Government, Mr Raphael Magyezi has ordered the Masaka City authorities to re-allocate all vacant stalls in the two main markets in the city.

The minister’s directive follows an investigation by Masaka City Council authorities that showed several stalls in Masaka Central Market and Nyendo Market are vacant since some were allocated to absentee vendors.
According to Mr Magyezi, it is out of order to allocate stalls to individual vendors and the owners spend over three months without using them.
“I  have ordered the city authorities to ensure that all stalls that are owned by ghost vendors are reallocated to other people who can occupy them. It’s also not acceptable to get a stall and sublease it to other people,” he said after meeting Masaka City authorities on Friday evening.

The minister also ordered the closure of open markets in the city, saying there is enough space in the two main markets in the area.
“Those [vendors ]  that have been operating from open-air markets are going to get  space in the two main markets and leaders should generate a register of all vendors for proper planning,” he added.
 “There must be a trade order in all these new cities without street vendors, and hawkers. When all vendors operate in organised areas, it will be easier for local authorities to collect revenue and deliver services which are needed .”

Mr Magyezi, however, applauded the city leadership for doing their best to improve service delivery and asked the city dwellers to support them in changing the face of the city.
Ms  Rosette Nansubuga, the acting Masaka City mayor, promised to ensure that all directives issued by the minister are enforced.
“What the minister has directed is what we have always wanted to do . He has reenergized our efforts to create trade order and promise to enforce it ,” he said.
Currently, Masaka City has two gazetted markets –one is the Shs18billion Masaka Central Market which is currently under construction and another is  Nyendo Market which the government constructed in 2015 at a tune of Shs 12.7billion. Nyendo Market was designed to accommodate 834 vendors  ,but about  500 vendors have since 2016 declined to occupy stalls and lockups at the market arguing that they were  poorly constructed and not suitable for their businesses. Currently, the lockups which were allocated to vendors dealing in clothes, crafts, salons and electronics are completely empty while stalls that are meant to accommodate dealers in matooke, sweet potatoes and other agricultural produce are half way occupied.