Monitor clinic gives women car maintenance skills

MPL marketing manager Aaron Aguma (L) and VIVO energy marketing manager Jean Mugisha (R) hand a dummy cheque to Mr Micheal Kahima (C) who won a one year free car service at Shell petrol stations, during the My Car clinic in Kampala on Saturday. PHOTO BY ABUBAKER LUBOWA

What you need to know:

The free entry event which had professional mechanics from Shell, Daily Monitor resident mechanics Mr Paul Kaganzi and Mr Mustafa Ziraba who offered practical lessons to attendees on how to maintain their car engines, usage of genuine products, air conditioning systems and lubrication, among others.

Kampala- With its My Car magazine that features every Thursday, Monitor Publications Limited in partnership with Saturday Monitor’s Full Woman magazine and Vivo Energy held a car clinic last Saturday at Shell Ntinda in Bukoto, Kampala.

The clinic was aimed at empowering women with knowledge on car maintenance and servicing.

The free entry event which had professional mechanics from Shell, Daily Monitor resident mechanics Mr Paul Kaganzi and Mr Mustafa Ziraba who offered practical lessons to attendees on how to maintain their car engines, usage of genuine products, air conditioning systems and lubrication, among others.

Mr Aaron Aguma, the Monitor Publications marketing manager, said: “We found out that there is much interest from My Car magazine in readership, lots of demand from readers, so we opted for an interactive platform for them to engage with mechanics and acquire more knowledge on their cars.”

He added: ‘’The growth in My Car readership benefits us that’s why we partnered with Shell so that we give back to them. This clinic brings us closer to our customers.”

Attendees were offered a chance to ask different mechanical questions that the panelists answered.

They were engaged in quizzes and this saw Michael Kahima emerge winner of a free year long car service at Shell petrol stations and Ramlah Nanyanzi walked won a pair of tyres. Others won prizes that included 10 litres of fuel, and T-shirts.

Ms Jean Mugisha, the Vivo energy marketing manager, thanked Monitor Publications for its efforts to educate motor users through its My Car magazine.

‘‘This clinic is beneficial to road users since it offers knowledge to them on how to choose good products for their cars thus road safety and minimal accidents,’’ Ms Mugisha said.