Nabbanja flags off iron sheets to Karamoja

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja flags off 97,555 iron sheets to be distributed to 3,752 beneficiaries in the Karamojasub-region. The flag-off was held at OPM stores in central Uganda. 

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has flagged off the first consignment of iron sheets for distribution to Karamoja Sub-region.

This follows a recent directive by President Museveni to distribute the iron sheets after a recent scandal where top government officials were accused of diverting the items meant for the vulnerable in the sub-region.

Speaking at the flagging off ceremony at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) stores in Namanve industrial area yesterday, Ms Nabbanja said in the first phase of the exercise, 97,552 iron sheets will be distributed to 3,752 beneficiaries in the nine districts of Karamoja.

“The local government and district security committees should set up a committee, which will coordinate the distribution of these iron sheets,” she said.

The Prime Minister revealed that the government has set aside Shs6 million to facilitate the distribution exercise, with a number of guidelines put in place to ensure that the items reach the intended beneficiaries.

Among the guidelines, the district security committees “have been directed to use the same lists in the presence of district local government officials, MPs, elders, army and RDCs to distribute.”

Of the 97,552 iron sheets to be distributed, Moroto is to get 9,568, Napak 12,350, Nakapiripirit 6,526, Nabilatuk 6,188 and Amudat 9,620. Abim, Kitodo, Kaabong, and Karenga  are to get 17,316,18,798 and 6,500 iron sheets, respectively.

Ms Nabbanja noted that each beneficiary is to receive 26 iron sheets, with all reformed warriors to get the repainted type.

She further noted that the chief administrative officers are expected to file returns to OPM within one month from the date of delivery.

State Minister for Karamoja Affairs Agnes Nandutu lauded the Prime Minister for efforts taken to reach the process of delivering the iron sheets to the region.

The chairperson of the Karamoja Parliamentary Group, Mr Remigio Achia, who attended the flagging off ceremony, revealed that as leaders, they will have some peace from former warriors who have been pressuring them over the presidential promise.

The distribution of the iron sheets was halted early this year after revelations that some of them had been diverted in a scandal that sucked several top officials.

Three ministers are currently battling charges of diverting the iron sheets before the Anti-Corruption Court.