NSSF appeals against Shs200m award to Ssali

Ms Geraldine Ssali
The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Thursday filed a notice in the Court of Appeal challenging a High Court order to pay Shs200 million to its Deputy managing Director Ms Geraldine Ssali.
Through their lawyer Sebalu Lule & Company Advocates, they have filed a notice in the Court of Appeal showing dissatisfaction with the High Court’s decision.
“Take notice that the appellant being dissatisfied with the High Court Civil division intends to appeal to Court of Appeal against the whole judgment,” reads a notice filed before the court on June 2.
On Tuesday this week, High Court Judge Steven Musota ordered the fund to pay Shs200 million to Ms Ssali for contempt of court order halting her forced leave and Shs50 million as fine to court.
Justice Stephen Musota issued the order against NSSF, its board chairman Patrick Kaberenge and the Managing Director Richard Byarugaba.
“I believe the compensation here is in terms of general damages. The award is within the discretion of court. In the circumstances, I will award the applicant general damages of Shs200 million. In addition, the respondent shall pay a fine of Shs50 million for contempt of court to be deposited in court,” held Justice Musota in the ruling read for him by the Assistant Registrar, Ms Beatrice Atingu.
Ms Ssali sued NSSF and its top administrators for contempt of court following an order directing her reinstatement back to office pending determination of the main case challenging the board decision that was sending her on forced leave.
Justice Musota had stopped the NSSF Board from taking disciplinary action against the embattled deputy managing director.
Ms Ssali is seeking for orders to quash the decision of the NSSF board.
The NSSF Board of Directors at its meeting on March 14, 2016, resolved to place Ms Ssali under investigative suspension to commence thorough investigations in to allegation of misconduct including gross insubordination.