Parents of Apac school, church disagree on Unra pay out

Parents of Apac Primary School in Apac Municipality attend a meeting last week. PHOTO/SANTO OJOK

What you need to know:

  • The amount of the money in question is not yet declared because the process of valuing the affected property is still underway.

Parents at Apac Primary School in Apac Municipality have rejected a move by West Lango Diocese to receive the compensation cash that Uganda National Roads Authority intends to pay the education institution for using its land to develop road infrastructure.

The road agency is in the process of compensating persons and institutions affected by the Rwenkunye-Apac road project.

The amount of the money in question is not yet declared because the process of valuing the affected property is still underway.

The Church of Uganda wants the  money to be wired to the development fund account of the diocese before it can be remitted to the beneficiary institution.

However, parents are against the move on the grounds that the money could end up being diverted or misappropriated.

In a meeting last Friday,  parents resolved that the funds be deposited on the school’s account. 

They also want the money to be used for fencing the school and processing the institution’s land title.

Mr Felix Egwang, the chairperson of the Parent Teacher Association, said they do not trust the diocese leadership.

“We want all the school funds deposited on the school bank account so that we can budget for that money. We have so many plans waiting for funding and we want to prioritise fencing the school and acquiring the title if that money comes,” he said.

Mr Tonny Alunga, a member of school management committee (SMC), said the land belongs to the school, not the diocese.

However, the Rev. Can. James Okee, the Archdeacon of Apac Urban Archdeaconry and Apac Primary School SMC chairperson, maintained that the money will be paid to the diocese because the land belongs to the church.

“The school cannot move without the diocese. Apac Primary School is Church of Uganda-founded, so it cannot go without the support of the diocese and cannot go against the diocese’s decision,” he said.

Mr Patrick Ongom Eyul, the mayor Apac Municipality, warned the church leadership against holding wrangles with the community.

“I want to make it clear that we are behind the parents on the compensation cash going to the school. So, let the church respect the views of the parents,” he said.

Ms Molly Grace Opule, the Apac Municipal education officer in charge of counselling and guidance, urged the two parties to agree on how to share the funds.

“They should agree on which percentage should go where and how much and how it should be channelled. Otherwise, the little resources that come to the institution should be used within the institution,” she said.