Pay tuition for candidates or don’t reopen schools, activist petitions

Sued: The Minister of Education, Ms Janet Kataha Museveni (left) and Health minister, Ms Jane Ruth Aceng (right). PHOTOS/FILE

What you need to know:

  • Mr Tugume also wonders why government decided to reopen schools at a time when Covid-19 cases have skyrocketed (more than 9,000 positive cases) yet they closed the schools when we had not registered a single case.

A human rights activist has petitioned High Court seeking to compel government to pay school fees for candidates who are reporting back to school on Thursday.
The petitioner, Mr Gideon Tugume, the Executive Director for Human Rights Defenders Association, says most parents have lost businesses such as bars, open markets, events, music events, health clubs, which were closed as a measure to curb the spread of coronavirus.  

He also argues that before the lockdown was announced in March, parents had paid school fees and other requirements but the term ended prematurely.
Mr Tugume filed the suit on October 7, saying if government does not pay the fees, court should stop the reopening of education institutions. 

He also wants court to issue an order that if any learner contracts coronavirus at school, the Health ministry should take full responsibility of treatment. 
Mr Tugume is seeking  “an order for the Ministry of Education or government to pay all the school fees and other school requirements for the finalists at all levels of education in Uganda both in government and private institutions as a way of lending a hand to the parents who are affected by Covid-19 lockdown.”

Mr Tugume sued the Minister of Education, Ms Janet Kataha Museveni, and Health minister, Ms Jane Ruth Aceng.
He added that he needed “an order stopping the intended opening of some schools for candidate classes due for October 15, if the two ministers have not responded to the two orders mentioned above.” 

Mr Tugume also wants court to issue a declaration that the fore-mentioned ministers failed to execute their duties to protect the young and old Ugandans against similar calamities such as Covid-19 pandemic.
The new reopening date for education institutions is Thursday. The phased reopening will see at least 1.2 million learners resume studies in preparation to sit their final examinations early next year.

Mr Tugume also wonders why government decided to reopen schools at a time when Covid-19 cases have skyrocketed (more than 9,000 positive cases) yet they closed the schools when we had not registered a single case .
The two ministers are yet to file their defence before a hearing date is set.