Police to retire 200 officers on Friday

Police’s Human Resource Management has released a list of 278 senior and junior police officers who will be officially retired from force this Friday at Naguru police headquarters.

The list contains three Senior Commissioners of Police (SCPs) who include Dennis Odongpiny, who until last December was chairman of Police Court. Other retiring SCPs include Benjamin Namanya and Samuel Ezati.

Majority of the retiring officers have clocked 60 years and have served in police force for more than 25 years. Also four Commissioners of Police (CPs) who include Hillary Odoch, Wilson Ahimbisibwe, Fabian Amadia and Paul Tumuhimbise Kato are among those that will be discharged.

“The following personnel who are expected to retired by end of this financial year 2019/2020 are invited to attend the official send-off ceremony scheduled to take place on 31st January, 2020 at police headquarters,” says Police’s head of Human Resource Col Jesse Kamunanwire in a written communication.

Retiring Senior Superintendents of Police –SSPs include Wakwale Ahamad, Kamukugize Steven, Kamugisha Thomas, Yawe Joseph, Aboda John, Otim Chris Erick, Nyakaisiki Leone and Were Michael among others.

Commanders of various units have been instructed to inform the retiring police offices in their areas of jurisdiction. Even those retiring mid this year have all been invited for sensitization on how to handle their life outside police service.

“There will be workshop to sensitize and prepare the said officers on life after police service,” Col Kamunanwire added. There have been cases of officers who keep loitering at their former work stations even after retiring. This has been blamed to failure to plan for their retirement and some find themselves in begging situations.

Other retirees include 6 Assistant Commissioners, 11 Superitendants, 38 Assistant Superintendents of Police (ASPs), 34 Inspectors of Police (IPs), 41 Assistant Inspectors of Police (AIPs), 50 Sergeants (SGTs), 42 Corporals and 37 Police Constables.