Scramble for URC jobs goes to Cabinet, board expires

What you need to know:

  • Sources close to the Ministry of Works told this publication that the two candidates for the position of the board chairperson are backed by “very important people in government”,  as a result,  the political leadership of the ministry is divided on the right nominee.

Former minister Joy Kabatsi and the ex-board chairman of Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) are in a race for one of the juicy jobs in government.

Sources close to the Ministry of Works told this publication that the two candidates for the position of the board chairperson are backed by “very important people in government”,  as a result,  the political leadership of the ministry is divided on the right nominee.

Works minister Gen Katumba Wamala had fronted the former URC board chairman, Mr Hanington Karuhanga, but when a certain minister and others learnt of the news, they protested the decision and Cabinet secretariat sent the matter back to the ministry.

To have the matter resolved, Gen Katumba later asked the State Minister for Works, Mr Musa Ecweru, to chair what sources called a harmonisation meeting on the appointment of seven URC board members. 

During the meeting, members demanded reforms at URC and disagreed on who should chair the board . 

The board’s term expired in February but got a three-month extension, which also lapsed last month.

When contacted yesterday, Mr Waiswa Bageya, the Permanent Secretary at the Works ministry, confirmed the expiry of Mr Karuhanga’ s board, and said they have so far selected at least seven candidates whom they have sent to Cabinet to choose.

Mr Waiswa, however, did not disclose whether Ms Kabatsi or Mr Karuhanga were among the seven proposed board members.

“We are preparing a Cabinet memo to take those names to Cabinet to pick a suitable person as the chairperson,” Mr Waiswa said.

When asked who are some of the candidates, Mr Waiswa said: “I would advise you not to speculate on those names.”

Sources privy to this recruitment process told this reporter that Ms Kabatsi and Mr Karuhanga are the favourites given their past experience. Sources also said Ms Kabatsi is backed by State House and a high-profile member of the First family.

While Gen Katumba was not available to comment on the proposed URC leadership, Ms Kabatsi said she was not  aware of the development but expressed willingness to serve in case she is given the job.

“I am not aware of what you are talking about but if given chance, I have the experience and I can easily blend in and fight corruption since I was once a State Minister in the same sector,” Ms Kabatsi said.

Mr Waiswa said ever since the position of the board chairperson expired, the line ministers have been handling cases where there were issues that needed the attention of the board chairperson.

Task ahead

While making his remarks shortly after the reading of the national budget, President Museveni said there is need to revamp the railway transport sector to reduce on the current fuel prices.

“The real answer to the expensive petroleum is railway transport. If we repair our railway and transport most of our things, then the demand for petrol and diesel will go down,” Mr Museveni said.