Uganda cautioned about high fertility rate

The report indicates that families of teenage mothers in 2020 spent Shs1.28 trillion on sexual and reproductive health care and an estimated health facility expenditure of Shs246.9 billion. 

What you need to know:

  • While addressing journalists ahead of celebrations to mark the milestone of the world reaching eight billion people, Mary Othieno—the UNFPA country representative—said introspection can be extremely valuable.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has urged the government to put in place mechanisms that can reduce the impact of the high fertility rate among adolescent girls in the country.

While addressing journalists ahead of celebrations to mark the milestone of the world reaching eight billion people, Mary Othieno—the UNFPA country representative—said introspection can be extremely valuable.

“You find an adolescent carrying a baby on the back and two more are following her yet she is still a dependant,” she said of the dire situation, adding, “Such a thing creates a population that is dependable and not productive.”

According to Ms Othieno, the government must start educating young adolescent girls at primary school level about the merits of bringing up a healthy productive population.

She said the current trend of population—growing up at three percent—should be checked as it comes at a cost of Shs294m per annum insofar as expenses on guaranteeing positive health outcomes is concerned.

Amos Lugoloobi—the junior Finance minister—said the government is trying all possible ways to educate adolescents and women in general.

“We as government are doing our part to see that there is reduction of high fertility among adolescents as we expect their age bracket (0-22 years) to be in school since there is free universal education for them at both primary and secondary level,” he said.

Mr Lugoloobi noted that although a big population guarantees a big market, it should be invested in so as to be turned into an engine of the economy.