Youth urged to be more reliable, dependable

Rubanda District youth leaders welcome Minister Henry Musasizi and other guests at St John’s Ikumba secondary school for their annual convention on Saturday. Photo | Robert Muhereza.

What you need to know:

  • Mr Musasizi emphasized the importance of being consistent, trusted, reliable, and dependable in order to achieve success in life, and advised the youth to avoid mixing politics with religion.

The State Minister for Finance in charge of planning, Mr Henry Musasizi, has urged the youth in the country to be more reliable and dependable for a successful future.

Mr Musasizi was on Saturday addressing youth leaders from Rubanda District during their annual convention at St. John’s Ikumba Secondary School.

He emphasized the importance of being consistent, trusted, reliable, and dependable in order to achieve success in life, and advised the youth to avoid mixing politics with religion.

“Claiming to be neutral creates suspicion. Always show your sides to avoid being branded what you are not. Share this message with your parents. Being politically clear makes you reliable and dependable and this will make your future bright,” Mr Musasizi said.

Mr Musasizi also encouraged them to invest in long-term development plans and support their parents in implementing government programs for wealth creation.

The Rubanda District chairman, Mr Stephen Ampeire Kasyaba, urged the youth who did not have the opportunity to continue formal education to enrol for skills development at the presidential skilling industrial hubs to be able to contribute to national development.

“Be faithful and work hard if you want to achieve prosperity. We decided against the proposal of arresting young people who failed to return the funds from the youth livelihood program and chose to focus on changing their mindset to ensure the continuity of the program. We believed that arresting the defaulters would deter other young people from enrolling in similar government programs,” he noted.

The convention was also facilitated by the deputy director general of the Internal Security Organization, Col. Emmy Katabazi, the Sheema deputy resident district commissioner, Mr Sam Orikunda, and the Rubanda deputy resident district commissioner, Mr Hillary Bindeeba.