Only the foolish will glorify a strongman 

Author: Gawaya Tegulle. PHOTO/NMG

What you need to know:

  • Ugandans need to see the benefit of shaping Uganda into a viable entity that will last.

We may never know the truth about what really happened in or during the alleged attempted assassination of the maverick Pastor Aloysius Bugingo. What is clear – and truly sad – is that a man is dead; a set of kids are now orphans, a woman is now called a widow and a family that must now look elsewhere to find a breadwinner. And if Richard Muhumuza’s parents are still alive, you can be sure they are now dumbfounded and inconsolable. 

But in the meantime, the President promptly handed the pastor a new car and deployed a set of officers from the armed forces to guard him wherever he goes and also cover his church and home. For all this it is the taxpayer – not the President as a person – to foot the bill. Pastor Bugingo’s church is one of the richer ones in Kampala; he doesn’t need help. The cost of that action alone, could have done so much in the life of ordinary Ugandans who are struggling to survive, to put bread on their table, to afford medical care, to afford school fees. 

If the President were using his own hard-earned money to dish out all these favours, there would be no problem. But the fact that he is using taxpayers’ money means he must be held accountable; just because one is the head of state doesn’t give him licence to freely throw our money around. Poor countries must spend prudently. 

For one, Pastor Bugingo…to the best of our knowledge is just a citizen; on what basis should be deserve such freebies? Is there a government policy that underwrites that?

This is just one of many instances of the President casually passing around money that he did not make to whomsoever he feels like. A nation is doomed when people begin to think that the President is not under duty to account and should not be held accountable.

Over the past nearly 40 years, the might of the state has diminished increasingly, as that of the President increases. He has now reached cult status, with so many people more or less worshipping him. Everything revolves around the President and he is to be found just about everywhere, controlling everything.

This is precisely how states are weakened; this is how state collapse is fomented. This is how otherwise strong nations are destroyed and their future greatly compromised. And this is how bad precedent is set for all subsequent rulers.

This is how would-be statesmen are reduced to mere politicians, self-seeking and completely disinterested in the greater good of the country. And this is what a nation whose future is bleak looks like.

For those who benefit from the President’s patronage, his unfettered power is a wonderful thing. But for true patriots who would like this country to grow into a strong state and nation, we are watching nothing less than a horror movie.

Mr Museveni runs Uganda like a family enterprise, where he does what he wants and anyone who dares question him is labelled a saboteur. And his army of praise singers, his accomplices in squandering national wealth, are quick to attack those who wish this country well.

Nations that grow and last till Jesus returns are not built on the strength of individuals; they are not silly personality cults that are all over each other trying to please an individual.

A strong nation can and should be led by just about anyone sane, because it is built on solid systems and structures. If someone extraordinary is required to lead, then the nation is weak and will not outlast the so-called special person.

Ugandans need to see the benefit of shaping Uganda into a viable entity that will last; not one that will crumble and collapse the day its strongman goes. Somalia died with Siad Barre, Central African Republic with Jean-Bedel Bokassa, DR Congo with Mobutu Sese Seko; let not Uganda die with Yoweri Museveni.

When you hear phrases such as “only Museveni can manage this country”, go slow; it is a sign that the country is designed and destined to crash.

Only fools will glorify a strongman as the only one fit to lead.

Gawaya Tegulle is a Lawyer