Ukrainian people are giving a worthy resistance to the Moscow onslaught

Author: Andrii Pravednyk (Ambassador of  Ukraine to the Republic of Kenya) . PHOTO/FILE

What you need to know:

  •  Ukraine’s GDP grew by 5 percent in 2023. Consumer prices increased by 5.1 percent, which is the lowest growth in the last three years. 

February 24th marks two years since the start of the Russian unprovoked and unjustified full-scale invasion of Ukraine. During  these two years, the Moscow regime has continued its merciless, bloodthirsty terror by shelling Ukrainian cities, striking civilians and critical infrastructure, in particular energy infrastructure.

Russia’s desire to destroy Ukrainians as a nation has its roots deep in the historical past.

For centuries, Moscow has pursued an anti-Ukrainian, brutal policy aimed at the eradication of Ukrainian culture, language and traditions, and the wipeout of the Ukrainian elites.

Despite the ongoing terror of the Kremlin, the Ukrainian people are giving a worthy rebuff to the Moscow onslaught and are making every effort to ensure the sustainable development of our country.

Even forced to deal with consequences of devastating Russian attacks against our civil and industrial infrastructure, and channel all the human and economic resources to defend ourselves, Ukraine’s economy demonstrated remarkable resilience.

Ukraine’s GDP grew by 5 percent in 2023. Consumer prices increased by 5.1 percent, which is the lowest growth in the last three years. Share of mechanical and electrical engineering in the structure of the industrial products compared to country’s GDP increased to 6.8 percent, boosting self-reliance in terms of defence capabilities. Capacity of Ukrainian military-industrial complex increased threefold in 2023. To receive edge in military campaign against the Russian aggressor Ukraine plans to produce 1 mln FPV-drones in 2024. More than 200 Ukrainian companies are currently involved in drone production and related services.

In 2023 Ukrainian Defense Forces achieved decisive success in the battle for the Black Sea. After Russia withdrew from UN brokered Black Sea Grain Initiative, Ukraine succeeded in braking Russian blockade of its seaports and securing alternative Black Sea route for export of its agricultural and other commodities – a crucial contribution to global food security.

Ukrainian Defence Forces destroyed 23 out of 80 Russian Black Sea fleet warships and damaged 13 more, effectively pushing the enemy out of the western part of the Black Sea. Russian military capabilities in the occupied Crimea were significantly weakened by effective attacks against headquarters of Russian fleet, military airfields and air defence systems.

At the same time, the Government of Ukraine continued implementing internal reforms aimed at boosting the effectiveness of state management. According to Corruption Perception Index 2023, Ukraine ranked 104, improving its score by 3 points and climbing up 12 position in comparison to 2022.

The support of the international community of Ukraine’s struggle for its freedom should not be underestimated. A substantial number of world’s countries fully support Ukrainian initiatives to ensure peace in Ukraine, in particular the Peace Formula.

In order to prepare draft framework documents for the implementation of the peace plan it was decided to create working groups on each point of the Peace Formula.  The Ukrainian side has initiated meetings of national security and foreign policy advisors to find the way forward for implementation of the Peace Formula.

Representatives of over 80 countries and international organisations attended the recent meeting (trespectively), including delegations from many countries of Global South in particular Africa. It’s outcome demonstrated the unwavering support for the principles, on which the Ukrainian Peace Formula based as a foundation for achieving comprehensive, just and lasting peace.

Mr Andrii Pravednyk,  Ambassador of Ukraine to Republic of Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda.