Onyango-Obbo comment missing facts

I want to react to Charles Onyango-Obbo’s comment,  ‘A Ugandan war Museveni can’t win with guns alone.’

 After stating the fake news that trended on social media about the inflated number of MPs from western Uganda, Mr Onyango-Obbo goes to his pet subject ‘Obote’ and writes lies about what he calls fake news of the two administrations. 

The Embalasasa is something that cropped up in the last three years of Idi Amin’s regime, not in Obote I regime. 

Obbo must have been too young to be privy to such fake news unless he was misled by his DP parents. 

As regards Museveni and Bank of Uganda robberies, it is a fact that Museveni and his NRA routinely raided BoU and Cooperative Bank branches in areas they occupied. 

Lies are not helpful at a time when the country is faced with the worst nightmares of killings, kidnapping and torture of young people. The question is, what is the role of the media in such times of adversity.

Samwiri Wakhakha,
[email protected]