Tribute to ‘Aunt Cissy’

Deceased former Woman legislator for Dokolo District, Cecilia Ogwal

What you need to know:

  • Only last year and several times I had procrastinated- seeking to meet up and round up on many issues, recognizing that except for Mama Miria as Mother of the Nation, she was in fact, truly the Mother of Opposition. 

‘Aunt Cissy’: Assistant Secretary General of the governing Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC) from 1980-85.

Acting Secretary General of UPC (1985-92). She was appointed by Dr Obote as Chairman of the Presidential Policy Commission (PPC) of UPC- 1990 to 1995 - effectively, the leader of UPC in Uganda, hence, the first woman to lead (de facto) a major political party in Uganda and at the same time, a member of the CA. 

It was at this time that she became the official voice of political Opposition in Uganda, at the time, a very lonely job for, only UPC was in opposition to NRA/NRM regime that had effectively banned political opposition and competition in Uganda.

She traversed the country, preaching for multiparty politics. Amid the ban, she used every available opportunities; weddings, home visits, places of worship, social gatherings and, above all ironically, funerals.

Sharp, courageous, articulate, witty and solid, she became Uganda’s Iron Lady and except for Winnie Mandela, there was no other like her on this continent. 

From London, we worked closely, so close, I fondly became her ‘son’ and extended family; with daily morning calls, briefs and updates.

Now revealed, during one early morning conversation she told me to look after her young sister Nancy and Rosemary, her eldest daughter a job I least did well if only they needed it; that’s her and family. In London I would host and manage her official itinerary.

On one meeting with some of her senior colleagues, she told of how at the appointment of PPC, Obote had instructed them not to treat DP as enemies nor opponents but, (despite being in government with NRM), that DP were ‘our partners’ and long term allies in quest for and practice of democracy. I learned. 

To her, Church was a must, that is how I came to know of Elim Pentecostal Church in Camberwell, South London. My most robust conversation with her was whether or not we should participate in the 1996 no-party elections and on strategy, I cited the Bangladeshi Opposition. We disagreed but, resolved. 

She later moved on but, with my contribution and another fallen giant (name withheld for now) and with Dr. Okullo-Epak (RIP), another cream, they met Dr Milton Obote in Lusaka in September 2004 and resolved, returning back to PPC as Chair of Mobilisation and later Member, Constitutional Steering Commission (CSC), a colleague once again!

Only last year and several times I had procrastinated- seeking to meet up and round up on many issues, recognizing that except for Mama Miria as Mother of the Nation, she was in fact, truly the Mother of Opposition. 

In her league, it’s a prime, mostly gone. This country’s polity is extremely poorer today, without you. RIP (Aunt) Cecilia Ogwal.

Joseph Ochieno (former Special Presidential (UPC) Envoy to UK & Ireland & Chairman, UPC External Bureau – UK, Member of the PPC and, CSC. Currently, a UPC leadership Candidate).