Uganda must triple efforts in fighting climate change

What you need to know:

Uganda as a nation has also been affected by climate change and this mainly has been accelerated by human activities such as cutting down trees, swamp reclamation, and industrialisation

As world leaders meet in Sharm –el – sheik in Egypt for the COP 27 summit, countries need to come together to take action towards achieving the world’s collective climate goals as agreed under the Paris Agreement and the Convention.  Thus finding ways and means of dialing down the negative effect of the greatest threat to humankind which is climate change.

Climate change denotes long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle.

Uganda as a nation has also been affected by climate change and this mainly has been accelerated by human activities such as cutting down trees, swamp reclamation, and industrialisation.

This in the long term has led to irritable consequences that have affected the livelihoods of people and this has been experienced in form of floods, desertification, and reduction of forest cover.  Some parts of the country such as Karamoja and Teso have been badly hit by drought and famine, which are mainly due to climate change.

In the words of United Nations (UN) Secretary  General  Antonio Gutierrez  during  his  speech at  the  COP 27 summit,  “humanity  has  a choice  to either cooperate or  perish.”

The words by the UN secretary general made me reflect on the damage we human beings have done to the planet and made me wonder if God gave us dominion of earth to destroy. Instead, our duty is rather to conserve and ensure the earth and all its wonderful nature is protected.

As Share An Opportunity Uganda, a child focused Christian founded non- governmental organisation, we have taken action  to  reverse  the impact  of climate  change  and this  has been achieved in the  different  project areas .

For example in Awach and Lotuke sub -counties in Abim District, we have managed  to plant 30,800 tree seedlings with the  aim of   regenerating  the  climate  and  this is done in consideration of the different  tree species  that have been cut  down.

 Furthermore  we have  also promoted  more  ecofriendly   methods of  farming  in the  different  project areas   where our organization operates  and  these basically include  encouraging  agro forestry, which  involves the growing  of  crops and   trees ,   the use  of organic fertilisers,  the promotion  of fruit  tree growing   and  apiary .

The fight against climate change is war that has to be waged on all fronts.

The onus  also falls unto community  leaders and opinion leaders  to  raise  awareness  about  the  dangers  climate  change has on the environment  and highlight  the causes  and  the measures that  can be used  to  mitigate  its  effects.

Benon Kyome, National Director of Share an Opportunity Uganda.