Mr President, please advise NRM members on who to vote in 2021

Prof George W. Kanyeihamba

What you need to know:

Underestimated. Sadly, every Ugandan now knows that you underestimated the problem which has actually become much worse than what we inherited in 1986.

Mr President, you have personally complained about the thieves in many departments of government.
The government has set up many probes and commissions of inquiry into these and other serious crimes committed by the government officials, ministers and party cadres. On several occasions, you, yourself, have sacked culprits from office in your efforts to clean the NRM government.

However, the overwhelming majority of what you call thieves remain untouched and are still working in government departments and institutions and have continued to be a menace to the people of Uganda.
Their presence and continuous criminal activities, which include torturing and illegally depriving citizens of their human rights, appear to encourage others to do the same with impunity.

Your efforts to steer the ship of state from rocky and muddy unchartered waters has instead led the ship into deeper, murky and foggy waters where it is bound to rot. In the mean time, total misgovernance, looting of both public and private property and disregard of everything descent in an orderly, civilised country multiply.
The organs and institutions designed and established to maintain good governance and national ethics have not only crumbled, but the managers and cadres elected or appointed to run them have themselves become tainted with corruption and other mischievous wrongdoing that greatly scare all the inhabitants of the Republic of Uganda.

Millions of Ugandans have since been searching for the remedies which have eluded the NRM party. Senior government officials such as the Speaker of Parliament, Chief Justice, Auditor General, minister of Finance and Inspector General of Police have lamented publicly about these criminal elements and activities in government institutions, but the government seems to have no will to do much about them.
The situation has become so alarming that those employed to fight and reduce them have given up. Several have found the smelly, rotten big fish in the government system to be too hot to handle and have chosen to only deal with small fish still hanging on the edges of the smelling pool.

Meanwhile, Your Excellency, you seem to have been forced to seek refuge in the transient comfort of non-indigenous magicians who are willingly offering to rescue you and this country from the scourge with foreign remedies whose cures are unpredictable and may not endure.
You once said that you managed to defeat past rulers of this country and smashed murderous enemies, which was a difficult task, and then added confidently that therefore no one should think that you will fail to eliminate corruption and other wrongs in the government which are a small matter. This was long time ago.
Sadly, every Ugandan, including NRM supporters, now know that you underestimated the problem which has actually become much worse than what we inherited in 1986.
Fortunately, the NRM party still has some time to redeem itself and drastically get rid of the curse that appears to have been cast on this beautiful land of ours. The magic the NRM should use is ready and available.

Mr President, urgently reverse the trend of governing arrogantly with impunity. Return to the good old days and good governance of the 1980s and 90s when the NRM was the envy of the world, when its methods of work guided by the 10-Point Programme were the envy and torch of other African governments.
When you were the hero of Africa and your shining integrity propelled you and inspired you to condemn African leaders who overstay in office sustained by corruption, divisionism, sectarianism, military force, fear and abuse of office.
The above are the reasons why the people of Uganda need your advice now as to who they should elect into office in all sectors of government.

Prof Kanyeihamba is a retired Supreme Court judge.
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