New eco-tourism centre to boost domestic tourism

What you need to know:

Situated at Bombo -kalule in Luwero district on more than 149 acres of trees and grass species, the Aloesha Organic Eco-tourism Centre will act as a source of raw material to herbal medicine

Tourists have a new tourism attraction with major emphasis on organic natural health products to boost local tourism.

 Situated at Bombo -kalule in Luwero district on more than 149 acres of trees and grass species, the Aloesha Organic Eco-tourism Centre will act as a source of raw material to herbal medicine.

Mr Bugingo Don Patrick, managing director at Aloesha Organic Natural Health Products, says the organic natural ecosystem is a new venture in the tourism industry that will grow domestic tourism numbers.

 “As the world opens up, we want to encourage  domestic tourism since people do not have a picture of what the eco system will look like in future, cushion the highly hit tourism sector and catalyse its journey towards recovery during the post Covid -19 pandemic,” Mr Bugingo says.  

 The domestic market has become a key focus in tourism considering that it is less prone to seasonal fluctuations or basing travel decisions on the international media and foreign advisory note ratings of the destination.

Law for herbalists    

The Traditional and Complimentary Medicines Act is aimed at regulating herbal medicine in the country.

Mr Jamil Mukwaya, the president of Uganda Herbalist Association revealed that the eco-tourism centre and law on organic products will minimise smuggling to India and South Africa.