Hilda Gloria serves chic style from Milan

What you need to know:

Well, the personal style of Milan-based Ugandan digital creator, Hilda Gloria, gives those exact vibes

Do you ever notice a woman’s style that has you wishing you could raid their closet? And not simply because of how cute their pieces are, but also because their style is quite relatable, and something you could see yourself infusing into your own style. Well, the personal style of Milan-based Ugandan digital creator, Hilda Gloria, gives those exact vibes. Her style is chic, vibrant and timeless. It is her accessories however, that will have you glued to her content feed and give you all the feels, with her street style served out of the beautiful city of Milan.

Accessories that speak

This fashionista understands the power that an accessory commands when it comes to getting your look right. And so, with a lot of her looks, she pays equal attention to her hair, bags and shoes, something that makes even the most tone down of look stand out. Whether it is her JW Pei abacus bag or Steve Madden or Zara ankle boots, her accessories will turn your head. Adding a statement piece to your look in form of an accessory is not only a great conversation starter when you run into people, but also tell people about your taste and fashion knowledge. Plus, there is the added advantage of having a look that no one is going to forget.

Layering is always going to win

Even something as easy as throwing on a jacket over your shoulders could be a little twitch your ensemble needs for elevation. Layering is always a good idea, especially if you want to get a look that is complete, stylish and possibly personalized. With Hilda’s style, we see a lot of layering over her button-down reworked shirts that she fits into double denim look that gives this a whole new spin and vibe. Coloured blazers and denim corsets are her choices of layering, and this works great because they turn what could have been a passable look into stunning, especially when added to something unexpected like a pair of culottes or cargo pants.