How can I strategise for better performance?

I was promoted recently. Among my new tasks is to work with my team to ensure business targets are accomplished. How can I strategise to achieve this?

It is barely a month into the New Year. This is the time to assess performance; as an individual employee in particular, and as an organisation in general.
In academics, every level is examined to assess a learner’s ability to comprehend classwork. In secondary schools, the third term is critical. It determines a student’s chances of progress to the next level.
Similarly, it is a compelling reason for organisations to assess how they have performed at the end of the year. This exercise explores the company’s performance against set targets, key lessons and a strategy for improvement.
On the other hand, the assessment will inform senior managers how to reward excellence as well offer solutions to curtail non- performance.
Early planning is a recipe for good performance. Therefore, as a manager, you do not have to wait until end of January or February to plan for the New Year. Planning starts at the end of the closing year. It is not a one- man job, though.
Quickly, assemble your teams to plan. Set a new business strategy for the year and ask questions about what every team requires to achieve that given target.
Remember, as the chief driver, your team will expect you to play along. Be available. Delegate some authority where necessary but ensure timely delivery.
As a manager, you should know that your team’s role in ensuring that the company achieves its goals is supreme. You will set the momentum but teams play a huge role in implementing top decisions for better results.

Isaiah Kitimbo
HR Specialist & Journalist
Monitor Publications Limited
[email protected]