Ugandans need to appreciate that God’s wisdom is supreme

Zoe Ministries’ Prophet Elvis Mbonye. PHOTO | COURTESY.

What you need to know:

  • Looking ahead. In all, the real catch is bringing the nation to a place where there’s an appreciation of the truth that God’s wisdom is supreme and yet readily available to be inquired upon, writes Emmy Emuron

It’s hardly something of a mystery that following the two-year-long period of confinement, hibernation, as it were, and restricted access to the amenities of life; it has taken a while for the nation to wake from the slumber that the gruesome lockdown was.

In this post-lockdown era, breaking out of that lingering state of dormancy into a semblance of fast-paced normalcy has been anything but a walk in the park.

 Needless to say, if there was ever a time the world was caught flatfooted, that, without doubt, was it.

Whereas the damage that the lockdown inflicted on the social and economic spectra might be difficult to quantify, the scars and ruins are unmistakable and can be traced in pretty much every aspect of life. In many ways, it feels like we’re barely out of the pit that we got thrust into!

 With an immobilised economy having borne the weight of unmodulated government spending for the two years, there’s no surprise that we’re suffering debt whose volume only continues to take on an upward trajectory.

Moreover, it’s not particularly comforting to know that the government continues to put some hard work and grit into sniffing out new avenues from which to borrow some more.

Breaking free

 On a wider scope, though, a summation of the many events that characterized the year 2022 converges at a place where there’s serious need to carry out an autopsy on our entrenched practices and consider a different approach on how to take on the forthcoming year.

Short of this, it’s a safe bet that the same tactics we’ve previously employed will still fail to break us free from the shackles of the dreadful past period. So, help us God!

 And thanks be to God who, for decades, has faithfully featured on Uganda’s motto that we revere ostensibly; yet the same God regularly receives the cold shoulder when there’s discourses on matters that concern this land.

Having been relegated to cosmetic prayer breakfasts, it’s more than likely that our relationship with Him is merely for the prestige of being seen to be associated. If that were not the case, why is it such a difficult thing to actively seek His divine counsel at every opportunity?

 Undoubtedly, with a hawk’s-eye view as analogous to spiritual foresight, it’s certainly possible to gather some great insights into what’s upcoming in the future, and what course of action should be taken regarding national affairs. This would not only give us the benefit of breezing through any disruptive hurdles strewn ahead, but also keep the economy on a firm footing.

 Take Uganda’s oil and gas sector, for instance. While the wider world is steadily steering away from fossil-based energy forms and tending to focus on clean renewable sources; the expectation is that we, as a nation, should conform to the same.

So, naturally, the propensity to centre our interest and resources on developing sectors that are less reliant on oil should be high.

That, however, is the worldview.

 Looking at Prophet Elvis Mbonye’s insights on the same matter, he paints a rather different picture.

In January 2017, he spoke of how the other forms of energy would in the future be discovered to have ‘flaws’ and, in turn, there would be an occurrence that would cause a re-focus on oil, resulting in its value shooting!

Now, this nature of disclosure is something that should indulge your fantasies of an oil-rich and prosperous Uganda.

That’s the reason any detractors or events that contradict a revelation of this sort must be shunned.

 In all, the real catch is bringing the nation to a place where there’s an appreciation of the truth that God’s wisdom is supreme and yet readily available to be inquired upon.

Also, for our decision makers to understand that only the hand of God can direct and guide if our aspiration is to truly have supernatural prosperity invade this land.

 It would be such a shame should we fail to take advantage of the advantage we have in hosting sharp-witted and spiritually astute emissaries of God, the likes of Prophet Elvis- in whom are vast deposits for the nation; for preparation and to embrace what’s to come!

If the status quo remains, though, then we’ll stay in the unpleasant game of whack-a-mole: only having shallow fixes for recurring deeply-ingrained issues.

 As we recalibrate our mindsets, may the leadership of this nation be receptive and willing to align to the revelations that the Prophet will pronounce regarding the key events, national and global, that shall define the year 2023 and beyond.