Burial conductor’s ex-wife breaks silence on love life
What you need to know:
- Nabaweesi, 46, who has three children with Mr Jjemba got married to their neighbour six years ago, after he (Jjemba) allegedly caught her “in flagrante delicto” with the neighbour
Ms Florence Nabaweesi, the runaway wife of Mr Godfrey Jjemba, the Kayunga District distinguished burial conductor, has finally spoken out about their love life.
Nabaweesi, 46, who has three children with Mr Jjemba got married to their neighbour six years ago, after he (Jjemba) allegedly caught her “in flagrante delicto” with the neighbour.
Mr Jjemba reportedly handed over his wife to the neighbour following the incident.
But Ms Nabaweesi vehemently denies this version and accuses the burial conductor of infidelity.
“We had been in marriage for more than 15 years but things were not moving well. My husband (Jjemba) was having an extra-marital affair with that woman whom he finally married, I could not accept this,” she said.
But the Mbulakati Village chairman, Mr John Kyambadde, told Daily Monitor that he was among the elders in the area, who witnessed the handing over of Ms Nabaweesi to the neighbour.
Ms Nabaweesi said initially Mr Jjemba treated her well and showed her love this later changed when a third party got involved.
“I finally fell in love with Kato Mwanje, our neighbour who would show me love. When we separated I got married to him,” a media-shy Nabaweesi recounts.
However, she said she is willing to return to her former husband if he fulfills her demand of building a separate house for her.
“He (Jjemba) is now rich and can now afford to build a nice house for me unlike in the past when we even lacked sugar and salt” Ms Nabaweesi said.
Following the publication of Mr Jjemba’s story in the media, many people have come out to offer support to better his standards of living.
Mr Jjemba has received more than 30 bags of cement, floor tiles, mobile phone, a radio set, unspecified amount of cash, solar lighting system and a television set, among others, from well-wishers. Others have promised to help furnish his house upon completion.
Although Ms Nabaweesi says she longs to return to her former lover, the vocal Jjemba says he intends to wed his current companion.
“I am an old man I cannot manage two wives. Many women now make love advances to me but I don’t want to annoy my wife who has been there for me through thick and thin,” he said.
He added: “As a celebrity, many women want me to love them but I have to act mature and observe self discipline.”
Ms Nabaweesi, who is lately among residents welcoming visitors at Mr Jjemba’s home almost on a daily basis, says she is happy that the father of her children has become famous.
The recent media publicity given to Mr Jjemba has made him busier with people frequenting his home seeking his services.
Relatives, neighbours and residents gather at his home as early as 8am to wait for visitors as they partake tea and bread.
Mr John Kyambadde, the area LCI chairperson, hailed Mr Jjemba for making their village popular.
Meanwhile, Mr Jjemba has urged parents to invest in their children’s education saying it is because of the little education he acquired that he has become a celebrity.
“Dont eat meat at the expense of your children’s education. If my father did not educate me no one would know me,” he said.
He revealed that his biggest challenge is personal security as thieves want to steal his donations.