Three teenagers remanded over robbing Chinese businessman Shs700m

Jonathan Semanda, Joram Mwebesa and Ashraf Nsiko leave Buganda Road Court after they were charged with aggravated robbery on December 5, 2023. PHOTOS/ ABUBAKER LUBOWA 

What you need to know:

  • Self-employed Jonathan Semanda, unemployed Joram Mwebesa, alias Epu, alias Joram Nasasira and Ashraf Nsiko, a boda boda rider appeared at Buganda Road Magistrate’s Court in Kampala presided over by Grade One Magistrate, Ms Siena Owomugisha who formally read the charges of aggravated robbery contrary to section 285 and 286 (2) of the Penal Code Act.

Three teenagers have been remanded to Luzira prison on allegations of robbing a Chinese businessman of over Shs700 million in Kampala.

Self-employed Jonathan Semanda, unemployed Joram Mwebesa, alias Epu, alias Joram Nasasira and Ashraf Nsiko, a boda boda rider appeared at Buganda Road Magistrate’s Court in Kampala presided over by Grade One Magistrate, Ms Siena Owomugisha who formally read the charges of aggravated robbery contrary to section 285 and 286 (2) of the Penal Code Act.

However, the suspects, all aged 18, were not allowed to take plea as the charges against them are capital offences that can only be tried in the High Court.
“You are here for the purposes of communicating to you the charge. Once you have listened to the charge, do not plead to the same. This court lacks jurisdiction to entertain your plea so, you are remanded until 18th of this month,” Ms Owomugisha said.

They are expected to return to court on the said date for further mention of the case.
 The state attorney, Mr Martin Nambafu told court that inquiries into the case are still on going.

According to the charge sheet Semanda, Mwebesa , Nsiko and others still at large on November 15, 2023 along Sezibwa road near Fang Fang Hotel, central division in Kampala District robbed He Wei, Chinese businessman of his black bag containing $190,000 (approximately Shs700 million) and immediately before or immediately after the time of the said robbery used violence and a deadly weapon to wit a machete on the victim thereby occasioning him grievous bodily harm.

Court records indicate that Mr He Wei was travelling on a boda boda when five other boda boda riders suddenly intercepted him and the rider. He told police that despite using all means to protect himself and his bag, he was overpowered by the assailants.

Court documents further indicate that He Wei got disenchantment after the boda boda rider he had hired also sided with the attackers and left him stranded.
The offence elicits a maximum sentence of death, upon conviction.
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