Tororo man on the run after kicking his brother dead

Bukedi South Regional Police spokesperson Moses Mugwe. PHOTO | FILE

Police in Tororo are hunting for a man over alleged murder of his brother in Agola Village, Kayoro Parish in Kayoro Sub County.

Bukedi South region police spokesperson Moses Mugwe said 48-yer-old Joel Omukaga died after he was kicked on the stomach by his 34-year-old brother Augustine Okware at around midnight on Sunday.

Postmortem results showed that the deceased suffered a ruptured pancreas that led to internal bleeding hence leading to his death, police said.  

“It’s alleged that Omukaga met his death as he was rushing to rescue his elderly brother Stephen Adilu who was being beaten by Okware over intervening in a heated quarrel between him [Okware] and the sister.

According to the area LC1 chairperson Alex Osilo, Okware had a quarrel with his sister Jacqueline Amal over who should inherit the maize garden of their late mother Jenifer Alungat who was to be buried on Tuesday.

‘’This is very sad news to us because we have lost two people in the same period,” he noted.  

Patrick Okoth, a close family member told the press that they suspect that Okware could have suspected that his deceased brother was trying to round him up at the height of their quarrel.

However, he told Monitor that family and locals were “deeply saddened since the two brothers have been staying peacefully with one another and had been seriously engaged in the preparatory meetings towards the burial of their mother who died a week ago.”

According to Mugwe, a charge of murder had been registered against Okware by Monday morning.

‘’We appeal to the relatives and the residents to team up with police to have the culprit arrested but we condemn the act and we shall handle it to its logical conclusion since the inquiries and investigations into the murder have commenced,’’ he said.