Woman battles to stop Kyabazinga’s wedding

Ms Justine Kasule Lumumba, the head of media and entertainment on the organising committee of the Busoga royal wedding (left) addresses the media in Kampala on October 18, 2023. PHOTO/ABUBAKER LUBOWA

What you need to know:

  • Busoga Kingdom spokesperson Andrew Ntange said the letter is negative energy and they won’t give it attention.

A woman, who has identified herself as Alison Anna Gabula Nadiope, has dragged the Kyabazinga of Busoga William Gabula Nadiope to court in the United Kingdom (UK) on allegations that she is still legally married to him.

On September 7, Busoga Kingdom unveiled Ms Jovia Mutesi as the Inebantu (Queen) to the Kyabazinga ahead of their wedding slated for November 18.

But in a letter seen by this publication purported to be from Mrs Nadiope’s lawyers of Anne Cuthbert

Solicitors Ltd, a law firm in the UK, they say they were instructed to inform the Busoga Kingdom and the clans that Ms Alison Nadiope got married to the Kyabazinga in December 2016.

“They have two children and Ms Nadiope is prepared to provide a copy of the marriage certificate and photographs of the marriage if requested,” reads the October 16 letter.

The letter adds: “The Kyabazinga has not divorced her. She instructs us that he is about to enter another marriage. If he does, he will be committing an offence of bigamy, which is punishable under the law in the UK. The penalty for bigamy is up to six months imprisonment in the magistrate…”

Efforts to verify this letter from the law firm called Anne Cuthbert Solicitors Ltd in UK were futile by press time. 

Photo combo: Kyabazinga William Gabula Nadiope IV and Ms Jovia Mutesi. PHOTOS/ COURTESY 

However, Mr Andrew Ntange, the spokesperson of Busoga Kingdom, said the letter is negative energy and they won’t give it attention.

“The wedding preparations are going on smoothly. So, let us give that letter a contempt cut. That girl wants to fight a whole kingdom, it is not her to fight for herself, ignore that letter,” Mr Ntange said in a telephone interview yesterday.

Ms Justine Kasule Lumumba, the head of media and entertainment on the organising committee of the Busoga royal wedding of the Kyabazinga, denied having received such communication.

“As Busoga Kingdom, culture dictates that the Kyabazinga has a responsibility to show us Inebantu (Queen) and he said he will show her to us on November 18. Once he shows us, whatever shape, colour or size she is, as long as she is human, for us we just appreciate and greet our king. We have no power to decline,” she said. 

Ms Kasule made the remarks yesterday during a press briefing in Kampala while announcing an upcoming dinner on October 27, which is one of the activities ahead of the Kyabazinga’s wedding.

She added that the Royal Dinner Bouquet will take place at Kololo Independence Grounds in Kampala starting at 5pm. This event is to give an opportunity to friends of Busoga, corporate entities, humanitarian agencies and other partners to showcase and be part of the royal celebrations.