Beware of fraudsters this festive season

What you need to know:

With the holiday hustle in full swing, cybercriminals are also gearing up for their own kind of festivity. The surge in online shopping and financial transactions provides a ripe environment for fraudsters looking to exploit unsuspecting individuals

The festive season is upon us and it is a time of joy, celebration, and increased online activity. From shopping for gifts to connecting with loved ones virtually, the digital realm becomes more vibrant than ever.

However, amidst the festive cheer, there’s a lurking threat – an increase in cyber fraud and security breaches. As the calendar inches closer to the festive days, it is crucial to recognise the importance of cybersecurity to ensure a safe and secure online experience.

With the holiday hustle in full swing, cybercriminals are also gearing up for their own kind of festivity. The surge in online shopping and financial transactions provides a ripe environment for fraudsters looking to exploit unsuspecting individuals. Phishing emails, fake websites and charity appeals, gift card scams, or too-good-to-be-true offers or discounts, and malicious software become more prevalent during this season, preying on the distracted and unsuspecting.

The first line of defence against cyber threats is awareness. Understanding the common tactics employed by cybercriminals is essential for individuals to recognize and avoid potential risks. The age-old tested and proven phishing remains a prevalent method, where attackers use deceptive emails or messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information.

Of course, there will also be financial requests from friends and family, but we need to stay sceptical of urgent requests for financial help, even if they appear to come from acquaintances, until their authenticity is verified. Being cautious about unexpected emails, verifying website authenticity, and using secure payment methods are key steps in staying one step ahead.

Online shopping is a hallmark of the holiday season, but it comes with its own set of risks. As you fill your digital shopping cart with gifts and goodies, ensure that you’re on secure websites. Look for the ‘https://’ in the URL, indicating a secure connection, and avoid making purchases on public Wi-Fi networks such as restaurant networks to prevent potential data interception. Also, never share your passwords or PINs with anyone.

Due to the influx of transactions during this period, there is a need for enhanced monitoring of bank account activity. Take the time to check your bank statements and transaction history frequently and if you notice any unauthorized or unfamiliar activity, report it to your bank immediately.

Timely reporting can prevent further losses and aid in resolving issues swiftly. Banks also have other controls like Multi Factor Authentication that requires transactions above a certain threshold to be approved either by SMS, phone call or email. You need to double check that your contact information is accurate to notify you of such transactions. Additionally, transaction alerts need to be activated to add an extra layer of vigilance.

During the holidays, we quite often share more personal information online, from mailing addresses for gift deliveries to festive photos on social media. It is crucial to be mindful of what we share and with whom. Adjusting privacy settings on social media platforms, being cautious about sharing travel plans, and regularly reviewing app permissions can significantly limit the exposure of personal information.

Just as the holiday season is about coming together, so is the effort to enhance cybersecurity. Businesses should prioritize cybersecurity measures, implement robust security protocols, and educate their employees and customers about potential threats. Individuals, on the other hand, can contribute by staying informed, practicing safe online habits, and reporting any suspicious activity.

By staying vigilant, we can ensure a joyous and secure celebration. This December let’s not only exchange gifts but also the gift of online safety. Happy and secure holidays to all!

Rodney Hood Adriko, Technology, Blockchain, Cybersecurity & Privacy Expert, and a PhD Researcher at the institute of Cyber Security for Society (iCSS) at the University of Kent, UK.