Uganda mourns, while Ukraine bleeds due to Putin’s inferior war strategy

What you need to know:

  • We have previously lost senior government, security and defence personalities among them the late JFW Wapakhabulo, James S Mutende, Brig Noble Mayombo, Gen Aronda Nyakairima, and recently Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech to mention but a few.

That Ugandans are the happiest people in the whole of the East African Community region as I have read in the World Happiness Report is not doubtable.

But why have these same Ugandans failed to appreciate that death is automatic, natural, the ultimate liberation and that unity even in death is not an option, it is an imperative.

We have previously lost senior government, security and defence personalities among them the late JFW Wapakhabulo, James S Mutende, Brig Noble Mayombo, Gen Aronda Nyakairima, and recently Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech to mention but a few.

Instead of mourning in unity a country lamented dishonestly and this must stop in order for the country to fit in her motto “For God and my Country”.  

Remember that “Aaron’s rod swallowed up the rods of the magicians (Exodus 7:12)” and also that the Egyptian magicians were able only to duplicate the first two of the 10 plaques. Thereafter they dropped out in defeat (Exodus 7:10-12, 20-24).

Pretenders profess they know God yet they do not give thanks and commitment to him.  They become futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds are darkened, claiming to be wise, they become fools and exchange the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal men, birds, animals, and reptiles etc.

We would ask God to strengthen us as a nation as we grieve the demise of the fallen speaker of the National Assembly Right Honourable Jacob Oulanya Lokori (RIP) Instead of the allegations, accusations and lamentations of the now common poison debate.

I was excited recently when for the first time Russia’s Vladmir Putin made a biblical quotation of a loving friend who laid down his (Friend) life for the other friend (Russia) in brief reference to the dying soldiers he had deployed in his neighbour’s country (Ukraine) where there is currently a lot of bloodletting and destruction of infrastructure. 

Terry Rand’s most fabulous quote that is much loved by the world’s militaries goes “An Army of stags led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a stag”. For simplicity purposes a stag can be substituted by the word Sheep.

Did Russia’s Vladmir Putin, therefore, underrate Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukraine, or misread the strategic spy war notes or simply relied on the tyrant of soldier numbers without regard to the now appalling supply and logistical problems that have disgraced and ashamed the so called Super Power?. The mission of an army during war is to win land battles by destroying the enemy’s Cohesion and Will through sporadic, violent and unexpected offensive actions directed at his (opponent’s) centre of gravity.

Many military strategists have attempted to sum up the successful strategy in a set of principles. 

Sun Tzu defined 13 principles in his book “The Art Of War” While Napoleon listed 115 maxims. The American civil war General Nathan Bedford Forrest required only one “Get there fastest with the mostest”. This I presume and assume Mr. Putin adopted alongside the Scorched Earth Policy that unfortunately is turning Ukrainian cities into cemeteries where multitudes of innocent civilians are being indiscriminately killed  and others starved without water, food, medicine etc.

Military strategy is defined as the skill of planning the dispositions and movement of armies in the conduct and directing a campaign of war. The smaller plans that are used to execute the main strategy are known as tactics. 

In the years following World War I, two of the technologies that had been introduced during the conflict, the Aircraft and the Tank became the subject of strategic study.

The leading theoretician of the Air power was Italian General Giulio Douchet who believed that future Wars (I mean now) would be won or lost in the Air. There is proof that Putin is losing with his Air power.

The world over all of us have certain basic urges that are God given. I say God given because we together with Ukrainians desire Power (Nationhood), Food, water, comfort, approval, Rest, and self-preservation. If all these are denied the people of Ukraine then what is the purpose of the Post second War Institution called United Nations Organization (UNO)?

Nabendeh Wamoto S.P