Why modern ceilings are going higher

What you need to know:

  • Property developers prefer ceilings that go beyond nine feet because of the many benefits they offer such as space, natural light, aesthetic appeal and increasing property value.  

Moving homes had never been a big issue for Diana Agaba, except for packing and unpacking. This time, however, she was looking forward more to the move because she was leaving an old-fashioned apartment for one of those new exquisitely designed ones.  

Everything went well until it was time to put up her curtains. To her disappointment, she discovered that the curtains that had been of floor length in her previous houses were too short for her new apartment. She had no option but to incur costs of buying new ones which would be appropriate.

 Agaba discovered what many people moving into newly constructed homes have realised; most modern structures have adopted drastically higher ceilings. Property developers prefer ceilings that go beyond nine feet because of the many benefits they offer such as space, natural light, aesthetic appeal and increasing property value.  

A ceiling for modern living

A vertical height adds a touch of sophistication and understated elegance to any home and this is one of the reasons most new homes go extravagant ceilings, which give a grandiose and open feel to these homes. 

Similarly, homes and apartments with a mezzanine layer are also making artistic use of high ceilings and creating a more open feel to the space. But more importantly, the ceilings come in handy in aid of smart living. Sometimes, all the cords and wiring used in home tech becomes unsightly, but with a high ceiling, one is able to hide them away. 


Properties with higher ceilings tend to attract more tenants than those of average height. This, Bob Bwayo, a real estate agent, explains is because companies want spaces where their goods can be stacked safely and efficiently, which  helps lower overall operating costs. Bwayo says because of the many possibilities of how that space can be utilised, we will see a trend toward increased ceiling height in both commercial and residential real estate market in coming years. 


Miriam Halera, a décor enthusiast says high ceilings give you more freedom to experiment and personalise your interior to suit your aesthetic preferences and needs. The expansive space offers various décor options such as floor to ceiling curtains that exude elegancy and chandeliers to create a dramatic feel. Lighting plays a significant role in giving your space the mood you want.  Dimmers are great to be able to set a mood, but beware as poor lighting choices can ruin your best decorating efforts.  

For spacious rooms, it is best to opt for multiple light sources. Different occasions, moods, and times of day require appropriate lighting, so having options is essential. Luckily, tall ceilings allow you to take the more extravagant route. 

How to fake height

So what do you do if you have an ordinary height ceiling that you would love to extend vertically? 

According to archinect.com, nothing so radical. Fortunately, in matters of the human psyche, what you perceive to be true is far more potent in eliciting a psychological response than what is actually true. 

You can take advantage of this by drawing on techniques that will make your ceiling appear taller than it really is. Some of these techniques are cosmetic in nature, a few involve light renovation. All are designed to emphasize the vertical axis by encouraging the eye to move in an upward direction, and thereby simulate the Cathedral Effect.

Apply vertical elements and patterns to walls.  Wall coverings and paint treatments embellished with stripes and other vertically-oriented motifs, architectural paneling, and trim or structural elements running in an upright direction will visually lift a room.

Exploit furnishings and décor. Tall bookcases, full-length drapes, artwork in portrait-oriented frames, decorative accessories mounted on walls in vertical arrangements, tall mirrors resting on the floor and angled upwards, and standing lamps are among the various interior components you can leverage to amplify visual height.

Psychological reasons for higher ceilings

According to research by Joan Meyers-Levy, a professor of marketing at the University Of Minnesota Carlson School Of Management, differences in ceiling height can affect the way we think and subsequently, act. 

Clearer and improved thinking

Higher ceilings induce a clearer state of mind and results in improved thinking. With working from home being the norm, a high ceiling could help you stay focused and improve your decision-making abilities.

Freedom and creativity

A high ceiling may prime our thoughts to be associated with freedom, and enhance our energy levels  think; soaring high above the clouds.