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Nyombi Thembo appointed new UCC executive director

Newly apointed Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), Mr George William Nyombi Thembo

What you need to know:

  • Mr Nyombi brings a wealth of experience to the role, having previously served as a senior planning and development officer at Uganda Communications Universal Services Access Fund (UCUSAF), formerly known as the Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF).

Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has announced the appointment of Mr George William Nyombi Thembo as its new executive director, a position that had remained without a substantive holder for the past four years.

Mr Nyombi, a former State Minister for Information Communication and Technology, will take over from Ms Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo, who has been serving in the acting capacity.

Ms Kaggwa, the director for Engineering and Communication Infrastructure at UCC, expressed her gratitude this afternoon upon confirmation of the new substantive appointment.
“I have been holding two offices so now I go back to holding just one. Director - Engineering and Communications Infrastructure,” she told Monitor today.

Mr Nyombi brings a wealth of experience to the role, having previously served as a senior planning and development officer at Uganda Communications Universal Services Access Fund (UCUSAF), formerly known as the Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF).
The recruitment process for the executive director position commenced in September when UCC advertised for the position.

The selection aimed to identify a leader capable of steering the organization through strategic planning, policy formulation, and program execution, aligning with the mandates outlined in the Uganda Communications Act of 2013.
The law empowers the Minister of ICT to appoint the Executive Director for UCC, an autonomous entity under the ICT ministry.
Mr Nyombi's appointment comes with a five-year term, renewable only once.

Ms Kaggwa garnered admiration from industry players for her significant contributions to enhancing ICT security, combating fraudulent domains, promoting e-services, endorsing local content on mainstream media, and mediating corporate disputes within the sector.

The incoming ED inherits the responsibility of managing an industry that plays a pivotal role in transforming Uganda on multiple fronts through internet connectivity.

The role requires adept leadership in navigating the evolving landscape of communication technologies and ensuring the UCC's strategic goals align with the broader national agenda of digital transformation.